One of the 11 steps to time management is Prioritizing; it is 1st rule to a productive work schedule:
1) Realize that time management is a myth.
No matter how organized we are, there are always only 24 hours in a day. Time doesn't change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.
I now know that I should start logging my work hours better, and then I would have known that I had this extra time in my day. I have to go to work late again tomorrow so I can fit my math lab hours that I am missing in tomorrow before I go to work. A major factor that most people have with time management is procrastination. If I had typed up my blog yesterday before I went out I wouldn't have to write and critique my blog so late tonight. Making a dramatic change in my life is the first way of stopping procrastination. I will set a time and date to write in my blog and stick to it for a week and see if I work out in my weekly schedule.
"11 Time Management Tips." Small Business: Canada. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.
"Business Cartoons for Newsletters and Presentations | Randy Glasbergen - Today's Cartoon." TODAYS CARTOON by Randy Glasbergen. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <>.