When I first started working on my time management I found what worked for me and what could be eliminated from my daily schedule to keep me organized. It was hard at first catching up with my work and job after taking the week to go home for the emergency I had in my prior post. I finally put together a schedule that will work for me as I finish my degree path.
First, I have decided to put a homework plan in motion. My philosophy class is the hardest to catch up with most of what can be learned is by being in class. My teacher doesn't use a specific book so its hard to answer a take home quiz with no notes being that I missed two classes. I found myself trying to keep up with math it is the hardest subject I have faced in the year I have attended. I found that staying after school on the days I don't have work at least two hours puts me ahead of the class so that if I fall back again I will already be ahead next time. When I have a blog that is due in English I still find it hard to fit in instead of doing it the day when it is due.
Second, I have decided to stay full time at work instead of part time. I mentioned this because I was kind of hoping for some feed back. Did I make the right ddecision? I want to move out of my sisters house, but if I move out and I'm not full time at work I would struggle. Everyone knows struggling makes it hard to study stay focus. I asked my boss to give me the lowest hours for full time employee and Monday and Tuesday off. He Said he would try it's only for a little while until I graduate and get a carreer.