Monday, January 30, 2012

Weighing my options

I have been out of class for a week visiting my hometown Tennessee. I have a ill father that needed (click on link to see info on device) Cardiac Defibrillator in his heart.  It's hard to take in right know with being a full time student needing to take off work for a week and I missed a week of class. These are the factors that add to my stress.  I love my father and I wanted to stay longer to support my mother, but I have so much going on back in Virginia, which is where I live now. I move forward two steps in life and fall back 5 steps that's the story of my life will the stress ever end? When I was home with my parents I felt like the world had stopped and then began to move slow (not just because it was the country), but because when I was younger mom and dad took care of everything I never saw the struggle. I wish I was a little more prepared and not sheltered.

On January 12th  I received a letter in my email from my fathers doctor requesting me to come home immediately. My father surgery took place on the January 23rd and I also had to go to court on the same day here in Virginia. I got paid on Friday which left me no time to pay the ticket before 3:30 pm instead of going to court that Monday. On top of that situation I am just starting a full load of classes. I missed two of all four of my classes and have a exam in my philosophy class this coming Wednesday with no notes, which I don't have anyways. I could drop my philosophy class with no refund because that seems to be the hardest to catch up in. What should I do?  Continue on the path that I'm going, who knows I might surprise myself and pass.

I took one week of work at the last minute. Retail is not a easy place to request time off with especially short notice. Filling a position is hard in the line of service I am in. I work for sprint wireless and I have quotas monthly I have to meet these quotas to receive a commission check. I get paid every 2 weeks as well, but my main source of of income is my commission check. I am behind tremendously in quota not only because I took a week off, but because I switched locations and I wasn't use to the selling techniques in this store. Switching locations made it a little easier not having to drive 1 hour there and 1 hour back at 10:00PM, but this store is a lot busier. I guess I the saying can't have your cake and eat it it to fits this situation perfectly.

I feel like even though things are going everyway but right that its for the better. I need to learn how set a plan in motion to keep my life organized. I  actually turned down going to hooters with my co-workers tonight and to applebees with my home girls. If you know me which your learning a little now about me, you need to know that was the hardest decision ever for a huge social butterfly as myself--just playing. I think and worry daily about my fathers situation and I really believe my dad knows my heart and knows I desire nothing more then being with my father FYI (for your information) I am a daddies girl. I really believe he wants me to finish my education though which is very important to make it in today's society.

                                                        Work Cited
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators. What are implantable cardiac defibrillators?, Jan30, 2012.1996-2012 MedicineNet, Inc.‹›.