Monday, February 13, 2012

A look at my day

While writing my blog again at the last minute I was thinking what could I have removed out of my day to make time for me to wrote my blog earlier either in the week or today. Class was cancel this morning I got up checked my email and laid back down with excitement that is. I was more so excited that there was no work as well then class. I could have winged it through class but work I needed a break.

I went back to sleep only to be awaken by my sister said " your late for class" I told her it was canceled she said "good then you can take me to my doctor's appointment". That ended my sleep in morning, but I got up caught up on some of my shows on dvr then started my day. I washed my car for about 2 hours then came home and watched a little more TV then went to bed for about two more hours. Now I'm up writing in my English blog.

Now lets stop and take a recap of my week before today so you I can shine light on my laziness today. I have class Monday through Thursday from 9:30 am to 1pm then I make It to work at 1:30 pm  to 9:30pm I am off sometime Monday sometime Wednesday. I do homework at night when I get off and on my days off from work I am in the math lab getting caught up In my math class. I think I mange my time enough to have a lazy day.

In a stress management website link
"Take the time. Too often we put the pleasantries of life on the back burner, telling ourselves we don’t “have time” or can’t “make time” for them. However, actually, time is the only thing we do completely own. While we can’t “make” a day that’s longer than 24 hours, each of us starts the day with exactly that amount of time. Take a part of your time to recognize the good things in your life. "

Stress Management Tips. 2005. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.

To Relationship or not to Relationship

Did you know? While 75% of chocolate purchases are made by women all year long, during the days and minutes  before Valentine's Day, 75% of the chocolate purchases are made by men.  Over $1billion of chocolate is purchased for Valentine's Day.

I have been for single for about a year now and it's not that bad. I don't really think about a relationship maybe only around this time of the year. Valentines day that is.(This link has a little knowledge on the holiday)
"Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and lovers. The roots of Valentine's Day goes back to ancient times, when people paid honor to the Roman God of Fertility. This was known as the Feast of Lupercalia, and was celebrated even then on February 14th".
I guess this day only matters when you have someone to love. In that case it just another day filled with hopes that one day you will be able to share it with someone you love.

 Another milestone in my busy life. While going to school and working I really didn't have time to meet a nice guy. If I did have a guy threw out the year I'm pretty sure I ran him off famous words of my ex " You never have time for me". I guess I have time to find that special someone, but for now I am doomed to be alone. Men are a job alone so adding one in my life means not only do I have a full time job and in school full time that means I would have two full time jobs.

I think I may have came up with a solution on being single. I will just be single until I finish my degree. I recently found that studies say women believe that dating is the same as being in a relationship. I can date without titles being given. As long as the the opposite sex has the same intention from the start., Friends first is always a good thing, you able to grow together first then when you have accomplished what is needed to be accomplished you move to the next step.

"About Valentine's Day, History of Valentine's Day, Saint Valentine and Cupid from Holiday Insights." 2012 February Holiday Fun, about February Holidays, Much More! Holiday Insights. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.