Monday, February 27, 2012

I Days Worth Of Work

Today I feel like I used my time wisely, although I did mess up by going out last night and staying out a little later on a school night. I couldn't wake up for my first class today Psychology, but I did make it to my second class Introduction to religion. I took a look at my work schedule after class today to make sure I am not late to work again today like I was on Sunday, and I found out I had a couple of hours before work so I went to All Tune and Lube and got a much needed oil change.

One of the 11 steps to time management is Prioritizing; it is 1st rule to a productive work schedule:

1) Realize that time management is a myth.
No matter how organized we are, there are always only 24 hours in a day. Time doesn't change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.
I now know that I should start logging my work hours better, and then I would have known that I had this extra time in my day. I have to go to work late again tomorrow so I can fit my math lab hours that I am missing in tomorrow before I go to work. A major factor that most people have with time management is procrastination. If I had typed up my blog yesterday before I went out I wouldn't have to write and critique my blog so late tonight. Making a dramatic change in my life is the first way of stopping procrastination. I will set a time and date to write in my blog and stick to it for a week and see if I work out in my weekly schedule.

There are only 24 hours in a day, I manage to mess up once in a while and miss use a hour, but for the most part I work hard on fitting more in my schedule. I try to focus on the most important task to least important. I wrote my paper today by hand so that I could revise and correct later, which at the time I thought it was utilizing free time well. I am now off work and it is 10pm and all I have to do know is type my paper. I found an hour that was not being used in between getting my car oil changed, because of the helpful advice from my fellow blogger and teacher "not to wait to the last minute to think about my blog". Although I am typing it know which is another free hour in my day I found time to research my info a little more.

"11 Time Management Tips." Small Business: Canada. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.

"Business Cartoons for Newsletters and Presentations | Randy Glasbergen - Today's Cartoon." TODAYS CARTOON by Randy Glasbergen. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <>.